- Maggio 22, 2015
Rewaco trikes are super economical
Rewaco’s world-renowned trikes – three-wheeled motorcycles – dramatically reduce their fuel consumption and harmful emissions, because they are equipped with the VT2 and VT3 Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVTs) from Punch Powertrain.
It is not just the automotive market that is working on reducing exhaust emissions: great efforts are also being undertaken in the motorcycle industry. Within this context, Punch Powertrain´s transmissions have enabled Rewaco to achieve exceptionally good results. Depending on the combination of engine type and transmission, the reduction in emissions can be dramatic. For example, trikes with an engine up to 115 bhp (Brake Horse Power) and equipped with the VT2 transmission reduce their CO2 emissions by 13-18%. With a VT3 transmission combined with an engine up to 140 bhp, the emissions are reduced by as much as 28%.
The flexibility and efficiency of Punch Powertrain´s CVTs make them ideal for niche markets such as trike motors.
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