- 10 8 月, 2022
身为一支响应敏捷、充满活力、秉承客户至上理念的团队,我们深感自豪。 邦奇动力团队团结一致,支持我们的每一项解决方案。
我们是一个全球性的团队,工作地点遍布世界各地,确保您可以利用业内精英才俊为您服务。 我们的团队团结一心,与您合作。 我们不是交付所托就觉得完事大吉,还专注于与客户共同创建量身定制的解决方案。
我们是一个全球性的团队,工作地点遍布世界各地,确保您可以利用业内精英才俊为您服务。 我们的团队团结一心,与您合作。 我们不是交付所托就觉得完事大吉,还专注于与客户共同创建量身定制的解决方案。
Punch Powertrain nv
Ondernemerslaan 5429
3800 Sint-Truiden
Chief Executive Officer
Sébastien joined Punch Powertrain in 2020 and is currently serving as Chief Executive Officer. In this role, his goal is to lead the company’s expansion across global markets with innovative hybrid and electric vehicle propulsion solutions.
Prior to his current role, Sébastien was active within Punch Powertrain as Chief Sales & Marketing Officer and EV Propulsion Business President for over two years.
In addition to his vast experience in sales, operations and management, Sébastien’s expertise are propulsion systems for electric cars. He was formerly Regional General Manager for Borg Warner’s PowerDrive Systems business unit in Europe, driving the electrification of the product portfolio. Previously he had an extensive career with Valeo, holding regional leadership roles in China and South Korea.
Sébastien holds a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from E. I. T., Ingenieurs de Tours and an INSEAD Executive MBA in international business.
Chief Technology Officer
Gaspar has been Punch Powertrain’s Chief Technology Officer since 2020. His objectives are developing and executing the company’s technology roadmap to meet the powertrain technology needs of automotive OEMs worldwide.
He gained broad experience in the Renault Groupe, where he held various roles from Head of Manufacturing and V-P Powertrain Programs Director to Executive Vice President of Global Product Engineering. Gaspar has led R&D organisations numbering 12,000 people. His expertise includes global automotive product development, process excellence, and lean manufacturing operations.
Gaspar holds a Master’s Degree in Aeronautics from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a Diploma in Advanced Management Program, Business Administration and Management from Harvard Business School.
Chief Financial Officer
Terence joined Punch Powertrain in 2023 as Chief Financial Officer. His objectives are leading company’s global finance organization, developing and executing the financial strategies to drive profitable growth and deliver on overall financial objectives of the group. He also oversees enterprise risk Management and stakeholder management with financial partners.
Terence has built a strong track record in reengineering the finance function to support the business requirements. He joins Punch Powertrain from Envision AESC Group, Japan where he held the position of Executive Vice President of Finance and drove the financial processes around acquisitions, accomplishing smooth cross business integrations. Prior to this, Terence has held senior Finance positions within Johnson Controls, Lear, Delphi and Eaton, after starting his career as financial analyst at 3M.
Terence holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Webster University and has completed Executive Management programs from CEIBS and Michigan Ross School of Business.
Chief Operating Officer
Juan Carlos joined Punch Powertrain in 2020 and is currently serving as the Chief Operating Officer. In this role, his priority is to execute the company’s business strategy and plan by overseeing the operational functions.
Prior to his current role, Juan Carlos was active within Punch Powertrain as Chief Purchasing and Supply Chain Officer for over three years. He is currently still acting in this role, in addition to his COO position.
After having started his professional path as Production Control Manager in Nissan he focused his career in Purchasing, holding several key executive positions in international Tier 1 companies such as Valeo, Plastic Omnium and Faurecia Seating.
Juan Carlos earned his Master’s in Engineering from the Monterrey Institute of Technology, and holds several postgraduate diplomas in management and operational excellence from INSEAD.
Chief Operating Officer
Matt è entrato in Punch Powertrain nel 2023 e attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Direttore operativo. In questo ruolo, la sua priorità è l’esecuzione della strategia e del piano aziendale della società, supervisionando le funzioni operative.
Prima del suo ruolo attuale, Matt è stato attivo all’interno di Punch Powertrain come Chief Information Officer per oltre un anno, guidando la trasformazione e il rafforzamento del team IT globale, delle infrastrutture e delle operazioni dell’azienda.
Matt apporta preziose intuizioni e competenze in materia di digitalizzazione e innovazione aziendale, trasformazione organizzativa, strategia IT ed esecuzione di progetti IT complessi. Matt è entrato in Punch Powertrain da Toyota, dove era a capo della strategia EV ed energetica di Toyota e ha innovato per massimizzare il valore dell’integrazione dei veicoli elettrici e della rete energetica. Durante il suo periodo in Toyota, Matt ha ricoperto anche diverse posizioni di leadership, come quella di Direttore generale di progetto globale, Direttore europeo di Information Technology & Digital e Direttore generale della pianificazione aziendale. In precedenza Matt ha lavorato presso Textron Automotive.
Matt ha conseguito una laurea con lode in Informatica presso l’Università di Birmingham, nel Regno Unito, e ha completato programmi di gestione esecutiva in Pratiche commerciali, Sistema di produzione e Sviluppo della leadership globale.
China/APAC President
Zhou joined Punch Powertrain in 2022 as General Manager BU CVT China and in early 2023, took on the role of China/APAC President. In this role, he will be leading company’s China/APAC business and operations.
He has gained broad experience in the field of purchasing management, quality management, cost reduction and customer satisfaction with strong knowledge of transmission technology. Before joining Punch Powertrain, he served as the General Manager of Zhejiang Hongji Intelligent Control, where he established and implemented company’s market strategy and business development goals successfully. After starting his career as the Purchasing Leader at Geely Transmission, Zhou also held senior position with Zhejiang Wanliyang for a brief period.
Zhou holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Geely University of China.
Chief Human Resources Officer
Yves has been Punch Powertrain’s Human Resources Director since 2011. He works on expanding our team with the best talent in the industry, and in this way, complements our growth strategy.
He acquired human resources experience in Robert Bosch where he drove their recruiting strategy, gathering the right professionals for the company’s growth.
Yves holds a Master’s Degree in Labor and Organizational Psychology from KU Leuven.
Global HR Leader
Koen è entrato in Punch Powertrain nel 2013 e attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Global HR Leader. In questo ruolo, si concentra sull’espansione del nostro team con i migliori talenti del settore, a complemento della nostra strategia di crescita.
Prima del suo ruolo attuale, Koen è stato HR Business Partner di Punch Powertrain. Nel corso della sua lunga permanenza in azienda, ha ricoperto anche i ruoli di Talent Manager, Global HR Improvement Leader e HR Leader per il settore EV Propulsion.
Koen vanta oltre due decenni di esperienza in vari settori, durante i quali ha sviluppato strategie HR allineate ai requisiti aziendali, guidato strategie di reclutamento e migliorato il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti. Prima di entrare in Punch Powertrain, Koen ha ricoperto posizioni senior nel settore delle risorse umane presso Philips, Panasonic e Randstad. La sua esperienza comprende la gestione di progetti per fusioni e acquisizioni (M&A), il miglioramento dei processi HR e l’implementazione di sistemi HR.
Koen ha conseguito un Master in Gestione delle risorse umane presso la Vlerick Leuven-Ghent Business School.
Sébastien于2020年加入邦奇动力,目前担任首席执行官。 他在这个职位上的目标是通过创新的混动和电动汽车推进解决方案,领导公司在全球市场的扩张。
除了拥有丰富的销售、运营和管理经验外,Sébastien还拥有电动汽车推进系统方面的专长。 他曾担任Borg Warner的PowerDrive Systems欧洲事业部区域总经理,负责推进产品组合的电气化。 在此之前,他曾在Valeo担任中国和韩国的区域负责人职位。
Gaspar自2020年起担任邦奇动力的首席技术官。 他的目标是制定和执行公司的技术路线图,以满足全球汽车原始设备制造商对动力传动系统的技术需求。
他曾就职于Reenault Groupe并担任过多项职位,从制造主管和V-P动力总成项目总监,再到全球产品工程执行副总裁,在此期间收获了丰富的经验。 Gaspar曾负责12,000人的研发团队。 他的专长包括全球汽车产品开发、卓越流程和精益制造运营。
Terence于2023年加入邦奇动力,担任首席财务官。 他的目标是引领公司的全球财务部门,开发和执行财务战略,以推动盈利增长并实现集团的总体财务目标。 他还与财务合作伙伴一起监督企业风险管理和利益相关者管理。
Terence在重新设计财务职能以支持业务需求方面拥有良好的业绩记录。 加入邦奇动力总成前,他曾在日本Envision AESC Group担任财务执行副总裁一职,工作职责是推动收购财务流程,实现顺利的跨业务整合。 在此之前,Terence的职业生涯始于3M的金融分析师职位,曾在江森自控、李尔、德尔福和伊顿担任高级财务职位。
Juan Carlos于2020年加入邦奇动力,目前担任首席运营官。 他的首要职责是通过监督运营职能来执行公司的业务战略和计划。
在担任现职之前,Juan Carlos已在邦奇动力担任首席采购和供应链官三年多。 除了首席运营官外,他目前仍在担任这一职务。
他的职业生涯始于日产公司生产控制经理一职,此后他主要从事采购工作,曾在Valeo、Plastic Omnium和Faurecia Seating等国际一线企业担任过多个重要管理岗位。
Juan Carlos拥有蒙特雷理工学院工程硕士学位,以及欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)多个管理和卓越运营研究生文凭。
Matt 于 2023 年加入邦奇动力,目前担任首席运营官。在这个职位上,他的首要任务是通过监督运营职能来执行公司的业务战略和计划。
在担任现职之前,Matt 曾在邦奇动力担任首席信息官一年多,负责领导公司全球 IT 团队、基础设施和运营的转型和强化。
Matt 在业务数字化和创新、组织转型、IT 战略和复杂 IT 项目的执行方面拥有宝贵的见解和专业知识。加入邦奇动力之前,Matt在丰田公司负责电动汽车和能源战略,并通过创新实现电动汽车和能源并网价值的最大化。在丰田工作期间,Matt 还担任过多个领导职务,如全球项目总经理、欧洲信息技术和数字总监以及企业规划总经理。此前,Matt曾在德事隆汽车公司工作。
周天禹于2022年加入邦奇动力,担任中国区CVT事业部总经理,2023年初,担任中国/亚太地区总裁。 他将负责领导公司在中国/亚太地区的业务及运营。
他在采购管理、质量管理、降低成本和客户满意度等领域积累了丰富的经验,并且对传动技术有着深刻了解。 在加入邦奇动力前,他曾担任浙江鸿吉智能控制有限公司总经理,他成功地制定了公司的市场战略和并实现了业务发展目标。 在吉利变速器开始其采购负责人的职业生涯后,周还曾在浙江万里扬短暂担任过高级职位。
Yves自2011年起担任邦奇动力的人力资源官。 他致力于为我们的团队招募业内最优秀的人才,并以此帮助实现我们的发展战略。
他曾在Robert Bosch从事人力资源工作,负责推进公司的人才招聘战略,为公司发展招募适当的专业人士。
Koen 于 2013 年加入邦奇动力,目前担任全球人力资源负责人。在这一职位上,他主要负责利用行业顶尖人才扩大我们的团队,配合我们的发展战略。
在担任现职之前,Koen 是 邦奇动力的人力资源业务合作伙伴。在公司的长期任职期间,他还担任过人才经理、全球人力资源改进负责人和电动汽车推进业务人力资源负责人。
Koen 在各行各业拥有二十多年的工作经验,在此期间,他根据业务需求制定了人力资源战略,推动了招聘战略,并提高了员工的参与度。在加入邦奇动力之前,Koen 曾在飞利浦、松下和 Randstad 担任高级人力资源职位。他的专长包括并购项目管理、人力资源流程改进和人力资源系统实施。
Koen 拥有 Vlerick Leuven-Ghent 商学院的人力资源管理硕士学位。