TMC 2022

China’s most influential transmission and drive technology exchange platform.

The key to the auto industry’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals lies in the technological innovation of powertrains, continuously improving the efficiency of vehicle drive systems and the use of clean fuels. The choice of technical route should be in line with the development trend of China’s energy structure and reduce carbon emission reduction in the whole life cycle of vehicles. Commercial vehicles, which account for 20% of their ownership and 50% of their carbon emissions, are also in urgent need of significant emission reductions through high efficiency and electrification. The 14th International Automotive Transmission and Drive Technology Seminar (TMC2022) will be held in Qingdao on August 8-9, 2022. More industry leaders, executives and experts will be invited to introduce and discuss powertrain electrification and intelligence It also provides more opportunities for participants to exchange technologies, collide ideas and discuss cooperation.

TMC 2022

2022 Innovative Technology Selection

Innovative technology promotion activities have been incubated in TMC for two sessions. Based on the concept of digging deep into new products and new technologies, this activity will be heavily upgraded. On the basis of the original professionalism, the weight of voting by experts and media representatives will be increased. TMC issued the “Certificate of Honor” on the spot. In the last session, 27 companies and 37 technologies participated in the election; 615 people read the selection guide, 267 people voted on the spot, and selected the 5 most impressive innovative technologies. Most of the voters went to the booths of the participating companies to learn about the participating products and technologies, and made selections based on the criteria of representing technical direction, technological novelty, industrial conversion rate and brand influence.

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